Introducing Chomsky by John Maher and Judy Groves: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
I use this blog for two different projects: my reviews and my materials for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Introducing Chomsky by John Maher and Judy Groves: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
( TESOL Materials -- Countable and Uncountable Nouns , Quantifiers , CELTA Style Lesson Plans ) Google Drive Folder HERE Lesson Plan : drive...
I will back you up on your observation re: "Introduction to..." and "...For Beginners" comic books -- they vary enormously in quality. I wish I could say they were excellent right across the board, because I believe there is no more penetrating human medium of expression than the comic book. And some of these are great. Kafka For Beginners by David Zane Mairowitz and Robert Crumb is absolute dynamite (looks like it's been republished in a more respectable format). Mairowitz also teamed up with Alain Korkos to do a terrific job of Camus For Beginners. And now that I think of it, my History of Science prof assigned Darwin For Beginners as required reading in '87 or so. But yeah -- if the book is a fail, it's a fail.
Thanks for that. Truth be told, I'd given up on this format after my last disappointment. But thanks for talking me back into them. Maybe I'll give them another chance in the future.
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