Sunday, October 14, 2018

General Knowledge Quiz for Relative Clauses

(TESOL Worksheets--Relative Clauses)
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Game play: Students are divided into teams.  I write the categories and the question numbers on the board, but not the actual questions themselves. (e.g. History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).  Each team is given ten points to bet with.  They select a category and number and place their bet before hearing the question.  If they get the question right, they get the points.  If they get it wrong, they lose their points.  If they get it wrong, another team has a chance to steal.
After the game finishes, I do another round in which the students make their own questions to quiz the other teams on.
* Like so many of my stuff these days, this was really thrown together at the last minute.  Some of these questions probably could be improved.
* This was designed for my students, so it had questions I thought they had a good chance of guessing.  These could be changed for a different class of students.
* This was designed to supplement English World 6 Unit 11, and so reflects the relative pronouns that they were emphasizing in that unit: that, which,  where, who, when.  So I tried to vary between those pronouns when making this quiz.

1. This is the place where Vietnam defeated the French in 1954. (Dien Ben Phu)
2. This is the man who became the first Emperor of Rome in 47 B.C. (Julius Caesar)
3. This is the man who was Emperor of France from 1804 to 1812 (Napoleon)
4. This is the day when Ho Chi Minh declared independence for Vietnam (September 2, 1945)
5. This is the year when World War II ended (1945)
6. This is the man who was ruler of Germany during World War II (Adolf Hitler)
7. This is the country where Lenin took power in 1917. (Russia/Soviet Union)

Science and Technology
1. This is the only mammal which lays eggs instead of giving birth to its young. (Platypus).
2. This is the planet which is closest to the sun. (Mercury)
3. This is the liquid which is has the chemical formula of H20. (Water)
4. This is the decade when the Internet was first invented (1960)
5. This is the animal which is the biggest animal in the world. (Blue Whale).
6. This is the time when the dinosaurs went extinct. (65 million years ago.)
7. This is the planet which is the largest in our solar system. (Jupiter)

1. This is the country where the Nile River is located. (Egypt)
2. This is the country where the tallest Mountain is located. (Nepal/China--Mount Everest)
3. This is the structure which is the largest manmade structure. (The Great Wall of China).
4. This the city where the United Nations headquarters is located. (New York).
5. This is the country where Loch Ness is located. (Scotland)
6. This is the country which gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States. (France)
7. This is the country which is the largest country in the world. (Russia.)

Comic Books
1. This is the year when the first Spiderman comic was published. (1962)
2. This is the man who first created Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Antman, the Hulk, and many more. (Stan Lee)
3. This is the country where the Black Panther lives. (Wakanda).
4. This is the monster who killed Superman in 1992. (Doomsday)
5. This is the person who is the fastest man in the world. In the DC universe (The Flash)
6. This is the man who is the best friend of Captain America. (Bucky Barnes).
7. This is the name of the team that includes Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor. (The Avengers)