Saturday, July 13, 2024

Create Your Own Organization: Communicative Follow Up

(TESOL Ideas--Communicative Follow Up)

Sample: docs, pub

A reliable communicative follow up which can be used for many reading/listening texts is to have students create their own organization based on the topic of the text.
An example is here.   This is a communicative follow up to a listening text from Reflect Listening & Speaking 5Unit 2Video: A New Approach p.28-31.  The video was about companies that were creating sustainable alternatives to fast fashion.  A suitable communicative follow up, therefore, was to have students create their own ideas for alternative companies.
Feedback for this activity could be either students presenting their ideas to the class, or the ideas being posted around the room and doing a gallery walk.  Students could then vote on which organization they thought had the best plan.

Create your own sustainable Fashion Company

Company name:

What problems does the Vietnamese fashion industry currently have?

How will you solve these problems?

What can your company do to help take care of…

the workers

the environment

the consumers

the citizens of Vietnam

The company proposals from the other groups are posted around the room.  Read them.  Which company do you think has the best idea?

Name of the company

What problems is this company trying to solve?

What do you like about this company?

Name of the company

What problems is this company trying to solve?

What do you like about this company?

Which company do you think has the best idea?  Why?

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