Tuesday, August 29, 2023

More wasting time on the Internet.  I recently stumbled across this little bit of pop culture history, and found it interesting.
The Wikipedia entry for A Limo for a Lame-O is really interesting, and surprisingly detailed. 
...it's probably too expansive--at least by the editorial standards of Wikipedia.  I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the future, some Wikipedia editor decided that the article goes into too much detail about the history of SNL generally, and edits it down so that it more narrowly focuses on the specific Limo for a Lame-O sketch.  But until that day comes, you can click on the link and read the full article in all its discursive glory.  A fascinating little glimpse into the history of SNL.  

As for the actual sketch, see here (I couldn't find a copy on Youtube):

A Limo For A Lame-O - Al Franken decimates NBC president on Weekend Update (1980)
by u/sstackho in LiveFromNewYork

And for the sketch mentioned at the end of the Wikipedia article see here:

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