Saturday, September 05, 2020

Scene from "To Kill a Mockingbird"

(TESOL Worksheets--Movie Worksheets)
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[Notes: In my class, I used this to supplement page 47 of Close-Up C1, which had an activity based on this movie.  I didn't create any written task to go with it (although when I used this in class, I supplemented this with some brief oral questions that helped to lead in to the activity in Close-Up C1.  If I ever come back to this, I may try to create a better task and flesh this out into a fuller lesson.  But for now, this is just a page of the script.  It may be useful to someone who is doing a lesson on a similar topic.  Feel free to copy this and flesh it out into something fuller.
I used this website here as my basis for the text, and then edited it slightly.
Warning--this section contains the word "rape", which will make it unsuitable for some classrooms.]

To Kill A Mockingbird(1962) - The Trial Scene(Mayella Ewell's testimony)

Atticus Finch: Miss Mayella, is your father good to you?  I mean, is he easy to get along with?
Mayella Ewell: Does tolerable.
Atticus Finch: Except when he's drinking. When he's riled... has he ever beaten you?
Mayella Ewell: My pa's never touched a hair on my head in my life.
Atticus Finch: You say that you asked Tom to come in and chop up a... What was it?
Mayella: A chifforobe.
Atticus: Was that the first time that you ever asked him to come inside the fence?
Mayella: Yes.
Atticus: Didn't you ever ask him to come inside the fence before?
Mayella: I might have.
Atticus: Can you remember any other occasion?
Mayella: No.
Atticus: You say, "He caught me, he choked me, and he took advantage of me."  Is that right? Do you remember him beating you about the face?
Mayella: No.  I don't...  recollect if he hit me. I mean, y-yes! H-He hit me!  He hit me!
Atticus: Thank you. Now will you identify the man who beat you.
Mayella: I most certainly will. Sittin' right yonder.
Atticus: Tom, will you stand up, please?  Let Miss Mayella have a good long look at you. Tom, will you catch this, please? Thank you. Now, then, this time, will you please catch it with your left hand.
Tom Robinson: I can't, sir.
Atticus: Why can't you?
Tom: I can't use my left hand at all.  I got it caught in a cotton gin when I was 12 years old. All my muscles were tore loose.
Atticus: Is this the man who raped you?
Mayella: It most certainly is.
Atticus: How?
Mayella: I don't know how. He done it. He just done it.
Atticus: You have testified... that he choked you and he beat you. You didn't say that he sneaked up behind you and knocked you out cold, but that you turned around... and there he was. Do you want to tell us what really happened?
Mayella: I got something to say... and then I ain't gonna say no more!  He took advantage of me! And if you fine, fancy gentlemen... ain't gonna do nothing about it, then you're just a bunch of lousy, yellow, stinkin' cowards! The whole bunch of ya! And your fancy airs don't come to nothin'! Your "ma'am"-ing and your "Miss Mayella"-ing, it don't come to nothin', Mr. Finch! N-N...

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