Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Pelmanism (Memory Game) in Google Slides : How to make and play it online

I found this video tutorial useful when making my own Pelmanism Game.  (In American English, we call it "Memory", but I've found "Pelmanism" to be the more common name in TESOL circles.)
After watching this video, I made my own version of it. It's a drastically simplified version of what is described in the video, but the same basic idea.  I'll post it below for anyone who wants to use my version as a template (slides, pub).  If you're playing it in class, you'll need to use the slides version (not the published version), and you'll need to make a copy of it so that you can delete the cards as you play.

In my class, I used this for an online lesson, but I think it could work just as well for an classroom if you used the projector.  It's most obvious use is for vocabulary, but as I mentioned in my "Activities for Any Grammar Point" workshop, it can also be adapted for certain grammar points.

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