Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
I use this blog for two different projects: my reviews and my materials for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
The King of the Golden Mountain: Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale #92
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Video Story-Listening Version:
Suggested Use:
Step 1: Look at the vocabulary. Check any words that you don’t know in your dictionary.
Step 2: Listen to the video. (Listen only. Don’t look at the reading yet).
Step 3: Practice the vocabulary on Quizlet
Step 4: Watch the video again. This time look at the reading. Read and listen at the same time.
Step 5: Practice the vocabulary on Quizlet again
Step 6: Listen one last time. The last time, don’t look at the reading.
able, afraid, alive, alone, argue, beat, believe, boat, boot, bottom, box, business, castle, cat, celebrate, check, chest, circle, cloak, clothes, coat, creature, decide, draw, drink, drown, dwarf, empty, enemy, enter, fairy, fall, fall in love, faraway, farmer, feel, fight, finally, follow, full, get married, giant, go into, go into business, golden, goods, grab, ground, grow, grow up, guard, heal, hit, husband, inheritance, invisible, invisibility, kick, king, land, lay, lay down, leg, lose, magic, magical, married, marry, merchant, middle, once, once upon a time, outside, palace, place, plan, poor, princess, promise, push, queen, rest, revenge, ring, sad, sea, shore, should, sink, snake, son, still, strange, surface, sword, tired, tonight, tree, type, unknown, upon, upstairs, wake up, wave, wedding, wherever, wine, worry, worth |
The King of the Golden Mountain: Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale #92
Once upon a time, there was a merchant. (A “merchant” is someone who buys and sells things.) He was very rich. One day, he put all his goods onto a boat. (“Goods” are things that people buy and sell) , because he wanted to take them to a faraway land to sell them and make a lot of money.
But, the boat sank in the water. (“Sink” means to go down under the water). And the merchant lost everything. He went from being very rich, to being very poor.
One day, as the poor man was walking outside, he met a dwarf. (A “dwarf” is like a small man. Dwarves are magical.) The dwarf asked him why he was sad. The merchant told the dwarf that he had lost all of his money.
“I will give you lots of gold,” said the dwarf. (“Gold” is something that is worth a lot of money). “But, in 12 years time, you must bring me the first thing that touches your leg when you go home tonight.”
The merchant thought that the first thing that would touch his leg would be his cat or his dog. So he said yes. But, when he came home, his little son grabbed him by the leg. Then, the merchant was very sad.
But, when the merchant went upstairs to check his chest, the chest was still empty. (A “chest” is a big box where you keep things). So the merchant thought that maybe it had all been a dream.
But, one month later, when the merchant was looking for something upstairs, he saw the chest again, and this time the chest was full of money. The merchant was very happy, and he forgot all about his promise to the dwarf, and he used the money to go back into business.
In 12 years, the merchant’s son grew up. And one day, the merchant remembered the promise he had made to the dwarf. And he felt very sad. The boy asked his father why he was so sad. And the father told him about his promise, and said that he must give the boy to the dwarf.
But, the boy told his father not to worry. The boy had a friend who was a fairy. (A “fairy” is a small magical creature.) At night, the fairy came to talk to the boy, and told him everything he should do. The fairy told the boy to draw a circle on the ground, and the fairy said that the dwarf will not be able to come into the circle.
So, the next day, the boy and his father went to meet the dwarf. And the son drew a circle, and he and his father sat in the middle of it. The dwarf came, but the dwarf could not enter the circle.
The dwarf was very angry. “A promise is a promise,” said the dwarf. “You must give the boy to me.”
“I will not come out,” said the boy.
They talked and talked for a long time, and at last, they decided. The father would not give his son to the dwarf, but the father would have to put his son into a boat, and push the boat out onto the sea.
So, the son got into the boat, and his father pushed him out onto the sea. But, before the boy got far, a wave turned the boat over. The father and the dwarf were watching from the shore. The father thought his son had drowned. (“Drowned” means to die in the water.) The dwarf thought he had gotten his revenge. Both the dwarf and the father went away.
But, the boy had not drowned. The good fairy had been watching the boy, and the fairy rescued the boy from the bottom of the sea and brought him up to the surface again. The boy held onto the boat, and was safe. He travelled in the sea for a long time, until at last he came to land in an unknown place.
In this place, there was a mountain made of gold. And on the golden mountain, there was a palace. (A “palace” is a big castle where the king lives.) The boy went into the palace, but it was empty. There was no one there.
At last, in one of the rooms, the boy found a white snake. The white snake said to him, “I am really a princess. I was changed into a snake by magic. You can help me. Tonight, 12 men will come here. They will beat you.” (“Beat” means to hit and kick someone). “You must not say anything or try to fight them. Let them beat you. If you do this for 3 nights, then I will turn back into a princess.”
That night, 12 men came, and they beat the boy. But he didn’t fight them, and he didn’t say anything.
After 3 nights, the white snake changed back into a princess. The boy was almost dead by this time, but the princess used her powers to heal him. And then the boy and the princess fell in love, and got married. And the boy became the king of the mountain, and the princess became the queen. And they had a son.
8 years later, the king of the golden mountain wanted to see his father again. He told the queen about his plan to visit his father. But the queen said, “Don’t go. If you go, bad things will happen to us.” But the king really wanted to see his father. So at last, the queen said, “Okay, you can go. Take this ring. It’s a magic wishing ring. Wherever you wish to go, the ring will bring you. But, you must promise never to use the ring to bring me to your father’s house.”
“I promise,” said the king.
The king took the ring, and wished himself to the town where his father lived. And the ring brought him there. But, when the king tried to go into the town, the guards would not let him in because his clothes were so strange. So the king had to change clothes with a farmer, and then the guards let him into the town.
The king went to his father’s house, and he said, “Father, I am your son.”
But his father said, “You are not my son. My son died eight years ago.”
“No, it is me,” said the son. “I am still alive.” But his father would not believe him. Finally, the king showed his father his arm. As a boy, he had always had a red mark on his arm. When the father saw the red mark, he knew it was his son.
Next, the king told him that he had married a princess, and had had a son, and was king of a golden mountain. “This cannot be true,” said his father. “Look at your clothes. They are not king’s clothes, but farmer’s clothes.”
At this, the king became angry, and he forgot his promise to his wife. And he wished for his wife and son to be brought to his father’s house. And his wife and son appeared. But his wife, the queen, was very angry, because he had broken his promise.
Later that day, while they were walking, the king felt very tired. He and the queen and his son laid down under a tree to rest. But while he was sleeping, the queen took his ring off of his finger. And then the queen wished herself and her son back to the palace, leaving the king all alone.
The king woke up, and realized he was all alone. He didn’t know what to do, but he decided to start walking until he got back to the golden mountain.
While he was walking, the king came across 3 giants. (A “giant” is someone who is very big.) The 3 giants were arguing about their inheritance. (An “inheritance” is something you get when your father dies.)
There were 3 things: magic boots that could take you wherever you wanted, a magic cloak that could make you invisible, and a magic sword. If you say “heads off”, this sword could cut off the heads of your enemies. (A “cloak” is a type of coat. “Invisible” means that no one can see you.)
The giants couldn’t decide who should get which things. They were arguing and arguing. So, the giants asked the king to help them decide. “I will help you,” said the king, “but first I need to hold the things, so that I can better decide who should get them.” So, the giants gave him the magic boots, and the magic cloak, and the magic sword.
The king put on the cloak, and the boots, and held the sword, and as soon as he had all three, he used the magic boots to wish himself back to his palace.
When the king got back to his palace, he saw that there were many people there, and there was a big party. He asked what was happening, and the people there told him that the queen was going to marry another husband.
The king put on the invisibility cloak, so that no one could see him. And he went into the palace.
In the palace, everyone was eating and drinking to celebrate the wedding. But the king stood next to the queen. Whenever the queen tried to eat something, he would move the food away. And whenever the queen tried to drink something, he would move the wine away. So the queen couldn’t eat or drink anything.
The queen became afraid, and she stood up, and left the table, and went back into her room to cry. “What is happening to me?” she asked.
The king followed her to her room, and took off his invisibility cloak. “I am your true husband,” he said, “and I have come back.”
Then, the king went back out to the party. “Everyone get out,” he said. “This party is over.” But the people would not leave. And they tried to fight the king. So the king took out his magic sword. “Heads Off” the king said, and the sword cut everyone’s heads off.
And so the king was king of the golden mountain once more.
able - to have the ability to do something or the possibility of doing something:
He'll be able to help you.
afraid - frightened:
She's afraid of water.
alive - living, not dead:
Are your grandparents still alive?
alone - without other people:
She lives alone.
argue - DISAGREE
to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with them:
My parents are always arguing about money.
beat - HIT
to hit a person or animal hard many times:
She beat the dog with a stick.
believe - to think that something is true, or that what someone says is true:
They believe that their health has suffered because of the chemicals.
boat - a vehicle for travelling on water:
This is a fishing boat.
boot - a strong shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg:
These are a pair of boots.
bottom - the lowest part of something:
Click on the icon at the bottom of the page.
box - a square or rectangular container:
This is a cardboard box.
business - TRADE
the buying and selling of goods or services:
The shop closed last year, but now they're back in business.
go into - to start doing a particular type of work:
My son's planning to go into journalism.
go into business - to start doing business
castle - a large, strong building with towers and high walls, that was built in the past to protect the people inside from being attacked:
The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year.
cat - a small animal with fur, four legs, and a tail that is kept as a pet:
The cat curled itself into a ball.
celebrate - to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because something good has happened:
Do you celebrate Christmas in your country?
check - EXAMINE
to examine something in order to make sure that it is correct or the way it should be:
I went to check that I'd locked the door.
chest - BOX
a strong, usually wooden, container with a lid, used for keeping things in:
This is a treasure chest.
circle - a round, flat shape like the letter O, or a group of people or things arranged in this shape:
We all sat on the floor in a circle.
cloak - a loose coat without sleeves that hangs down from your shoulders
clothes - items such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your body:
She was wearing her sister's clothes.
coat - a piece of clothing with sleeves that you wear over your other clothes, especially when you go outside:
This is a winter coat.
creature - anything that lives but is not a plant:
Dolphins are intelligent creatures.
decide - CHOOSE
to choose something after thinking about several possibilities:
I haven't decided whether or not to tell him.
draw - to produce a picture by making lines or marks, usually with a pen or pencil:
She will draw a picture of a tree.
drink - to put liquid into your mouth and swallow it:
Would you like something to drink?
drown - to die because you are under water and cannot breathe:
Two people drowned in a boating accident yesterday.
dwarf - an imaginary creature like a little man, in children's stories:
Snow White and the Seven dwarfs
If something is empty, it does not contain any things or people:
The train was completely empty when it reached London.
enemy - a person who you dislike or oppose:
I try not to make any enemies.
enter - to come or go into a place:
The police entered by the back door.
fairy - a small, imaginary creature that looks like a person with wings, and has magic powers
fall - to move down towards the ground:
Huge drops of rain were falling from the sky.
fall in love - to start to love someone romantically:
I was 20 when I first had the experience of falling in love.
faraway - a long distance away:
I want to travel to faraway places.
farmer - someone who owns or looks after a farm:
Many farmers have been forced to sell their land.
feel - to experience an emotion or a physical feeling:
You shouldn't feel embarrassed about making a mistake.
fight - When people fight, they use physical force to try to defeat each other:
Two men were arrested for fighting outside a bar.
finally - after a long time or some difficulty:
We finally got home just after midnight.
follow - to move behind someone or something and go where they go, sometimes secretly:
She followed me into the kitchen.
full - If a container or a space is full, it contains as many things or people as possible or as much of something as possible:
The shelves were full of books.
get married - to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife:
We will get married next year.
giant - an imaginary man who is much bigger and stronger than ordinary men
golden - made of gold or like gold:
This is a golden ring.
goods - items that are made to be sold:
We sell televisions, washing machines, and other electrical goods.
grab - to take hold of something or someone suddenly:
He grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
ground - the surface of the Earth:
I sat down on the ground.
grow - to develop and become bigger or taller as time passes:
Children grow very quickly.
grow up - to become older or an adult:
I wish I could grow up in New York.
guard - someone whose job is to make certain someone does not escape or to protect a place or another person:
He is a security guard.
heal - If a wound or broken bone heals, it becomes healthy again, and if something heals it, it makes it healthy again:
The wound on his head had begun to heal.
hit - to touch something quickly and with force using your hand or an object in your hand:
She hit him on the head with her tennis racket.
husband - the man you are married to:
Janet's husband is in the Navy.
inheritance - money or possessions that someone gives you when they die:
Nick has sold off much of his inheritance.
invisible - ADJECTIVE: Someone or something that is invisible cannot be seen:
The house was invisible from the road.
invisibility - NOUN of invisible
kick - to hit or move something or someone with your foot:
The boys were kicking a ball back and forth.
king - RULER
a male ruler in some countries:
This is King Richard II.
land - an area of ground:
Many farmers have been forced to sell their land.
the surface of the Earth that is not sea:
I am going to travel over land and sea.
lay - to put something down somewhere carefully:
She lay the baby on the bed.
lay down - to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest. This is often "lie down" in British English.
I'm not feeling well - I'm going to lay down.
leg - one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing and walking:
My legs are tired after so much walking.
lose - to stop having someone or something that you had before:
She had the misfortune of losing a leg in a car accident.
magic - NOUN: special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible:
Do you believe in magic?
magical - ADJECTIVE: with special powers:
Diamonds were once thought to have magical powers.
married - A married man or woman has a wife or husband:.
As far as I know, they're very happily married.
marry - to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife:
Will you marry me?
merchant - someone whose job is buying and selling goods, usually in large amounts:
He is a wine merchant.
middle - the central part, position, or point in time:
We used to live just outside Boston but now we live right in the middle.
once - in the past, but not now:
This house once belonged to my grandfather.
once upon a time - used at the beginning of a children's story to mean that something happened a long time ago
outside - not inside a building:
Go and play outside for a while.
palace - a large house where a king or queen lives:
The palace took 15 years to complete.
a position, building, town, area, etc:
Edinburgh would be a nice place to live.
plan - an arrangement for what you intend to do or how you intend to do something:
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
poor - NO MONEY
having very little money or few possessions:
Most of these people are desperately poor.
princess - the daughter of a king or queen, or one of their close female relatives
promise - to say that you will certainly do something or that something will certainly happen:
She promised to write to me every week
to move someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body:
We pushed the children down the slide.
queen - a female ruler in some countries:
The book is a history of the kings and queens of England.
rest - to relax or sleep because you are tired after doing an activity or because you are sick:
Pete's resting after his long drive.
revenge - something that you do to punish someone who has done something bad to you:
He's made life very difficult for me but I'll get my revenge.
ring - a round piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger:
This is my wedding ring.
sad - unhappy or making you feel unhappy:
I was very sad when our cat died.
sea - a large area of salt water:
We went swimming in the sea.
shore - the area of land along the edge of the sea or a lake:
They had to abandon the boat and swim back to shore.
should - used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do:
He should have gone to the doctor.
sink - to go down or make something go down below the surface of water and not come back up:
The Titanic had the misfortune of sinking after hitting an iceberg.
snake - a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground
son - your male child
Jenny has a grown-up son of 24.
still - used to say that something is continuing to happen now or that someone is continuing to do something now:
He's still here if you want to speak to him.
strange - If something is strange, it is surprising because it is unusual or unexpected:
What a strange-looking man.
surface - the top or outside part of something:
The sun was reflected on the surface of the water.
sword - a weapon with a long, metal blade and a handle, used especially in the past
tired - feeling that you want to rest or sleep:
I'm too tired to go out tonight.
tonight - the night of this day, or during the night of this day:
What are you doing tonight?
tree - a tall plant with a thick stem that has branches coming from it and leaves:
They went under a tree to shelter from the rain.
type - a person or thing that is part of a group of people or things that have similar qualities, or a group of people or things that have similar qualities:
They sell over 20 different types of cheese.
unknown - not known:
The cause of his death is still unknown.
upon - on:
Her story was seized upon by the press.
upstairs - on or to a higher level of a building:
He ran upstairs to answer the phone.
wake up - to stop sleeping or to make someone else stop sleeping:
I generally wake up early.
wave - a line of higher water that moves across the surface of the sea or a lake:
I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.
wedding - an official ceremony at which a man and woman get married:
We're going to a wedding on Saturday.
wherever - in or to any place or every place:
You can sit wherever you like.
wine - an alcoholic drink that is made from the juice of grapes (= small, green or purple fruit), or sometimes other fruit:
Please have a glass of wine.
worry - BE ANXIOUS
to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel anxious:
Don't worry- she'll be all right.
worth - to have a particular value, especially in money:
Our house is worth about 600,000 euros.
( TESOL Materials -- Countable and Uncountable Nouns , Quantifiers , CELTA Style Lesson Plans ) Google Drive Folder HERE Lesson Plan : drive...