Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sorting Activity for Sentence Patterns with Reporting Verbs

Google: docs, pub
[This is a sorting activity for sentence patterns with reporting verbs. ]

Most experts advised the city authorities that they should demolish the building.

Many experts advised demolishing the building.

Many experts advised the city authorities to demolish the building.

My father argued that the speed limit is too high.

My mother believes that dogs can talk.

My brother claimed that aliens abducted him.

Mary convinced him that the conspiracy was real.

Jessica convinced me to take a break.

My teacher estimates that the class is going to get 100%.

The man explained that the tree was growing too big.

He hoped that the science was wrong.

Finn persuaded me that the car was really cheap.

Simon persuaded me to try the new game.

Tom pointed out that Cindy was using her phone too much.

Jack proposed that we go out for the night.

Lola proposed resting for a while.

Mike recommended that we stay in for the night.

Alice recommended splitting the bill.

My sister reported that our grandmother was ill.

Phil suggested that we get a drink somewhere else.

Some people suggested building a new shopping center.

Jen said that she wasn’t feeling very well.

David stated that the house was on fire.

reporting verb + that

reporting verb + someone + that

reporting verb + Ving

reporting verb + someone + infinitive

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