Thursday, August 18, 2022

This website became very popular at my school during the Covid-19 shutdown.  Teachers liked it because it was very easy to create word matching games on, and then very easy to share with the students once these games were created.  
Unlike websites like Kahoot or Quizlet Live, students didn't need to enter any sort of game code, they just got the linke (or scanned the QR code) and they were good to go.
I have to confess I was never a huge fan of Wordwall for the reason that it was difficult for me as a teacher to verify that the students were actually playing the game. (Or at least, it was difficult for me to verify in an online class.  Now that we're back face-to-face, I can just look over their shoulder and check.)  There is an option for students to write their name on the top scorer section, but it's optional, and in order for me to check it while the students are playing, I need to keep refreshing the page.
Nevertheless, a lot of the supplemental material that my colleagues are creating these days is on Wordwall, so I thought I should share the website here.

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