Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Mekong Delta Tour: Spring 2013

Following on from the previous post, here's another travelogue from my archives that I somehow had missed until now.  
This is from the Spring of  2013.  I never wrote up any written description of this trip, but I took lots of pictures.  I just now realized that these pictures were sitting in one of the photo albums attached to this blog.  (Link HERE--scroll all the way to the bottom to see the Mekong Delta pictures.)  Since I never posted these pictures on this blog before, I'm not sure what they're doing in the photo album.  Did I accidentally upload them?  Was it on purpose?  Was I planning on posting something back in 2013?  I can't remember.
But, as long as they're sitting their taking up storage space in my Google account, I may as well get some use out of these photos and post them here.
This was a package tour of the Mekong Delta.  I bought tickets in Phnom Penh.  The boat travelled down the Mekong River from Phnom Penh and then eventually crossed the boarder with Vietnam.  I think all of these pictures are from the Vietnam side of the border.  But I don't remember clearly.  One or two of them may be from the Cambodian side.  (If there are any pictures from  the Cambodian side, it would only be pictures from the river.  We didn't stop for any tourist attractions until we got across the border to Vietnam.  
I didn't write any description of this trip, and at this point my memory is foggy enough that I'm not going to attempt it.  Also, the photos seemed to have gotten all out of order, but I'm not going to attempt to put them in order now, because I don't trust my memory.
This was the second tour of the Mekong Delta I did.  For the first tour, see my description HERE.   That first tour I did was only a one day tour, but  this second tour was for several days, and so consequently I ended up seeing more of the region. 

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