Friday, September 06, 2019

Started: Sweden by Matthew Turner  (courtesy of the author himself, who generously sent me a copy.)


Walking fool said...

I look forward to the five star review ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a slow reader at the best of times, and I've been particularly busy with work and family lately. So I'm taking my time with it. But I am enjoying it. I'll try and give it a balanced review, but it'll be mostly positive.

Walking fool said...

I expect nothing less (than a balanced review) from you! But I'm surprised to hear you're a slow reader. I am too. Partly it's because I'm a careful reader. I hate to miss anything, so I often reread paragraphs if I find myself losing my concentration even slightly. But I also don't devote nearly as much time to reading as I should.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's me exactly as well. That, plus the Internet has ruined my attention span, so I can no longer sit and read for hours. I can read for about 20 minutes, and then I need a break.
Given how few books I read in a year, I've sometimes felt guilty about maintaining a book review blog. But then, the few books I do read I like to engage with fully, so that's how I justify it.
Some years are better than others. This year I haven't finished a book since early February. Of course, the addition of a baby has something to do with that.

Walking fool said...

Wow, I didn't know about the baby. Congratulations. That's guaranteed to change how you allocate your time.