Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

(Movie Review)

* None of these characters are likable, but as in all Scorsese films, there is a kind of fascination of a train wreck watching how they are going to achieve everything they want, and then ruin it all.
* It's safe to say at this point that Scorsese knows what he's doing, and he delivers good story telling mixed with narration, and pop music.

* I absolutely hated all the characters in this movie
* Some of the scenes went on for too long and were overly indulgent.

The Review
Ideally, films shouldn't have to be only about likable characters.  Sometimes you can learn a lot more about the human condition by films in which all the characters are absolute jerks.  In theory, we should probably have more of these type of films.
And practice it can be hard to sit through a 3 hour movie with no likable characters at all.  (I was even cheering for them to all go to jail at the end.)
However, in this day and age of excess and irresponsibility on Wall Street, it is definitely a very timely film.

This film drunk review by the folks at absolutely nails the film's high points and its faults.  The whole thing is worth reading.
And, in the category of: they are just not getting it yet: Wall Street Bros Loved Wolf of Wall Street.  Because of Course.
and Honest Trailer Wolf of Wall street

Rating :
6 out of 10.

Link of the Day
Correlation between Paris Commune and Occupy Wall Street

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