Thursday, August 02, 2012

link of the Day:
What We Really Need


Deano said...

Very interesting comic. I scrolled through some of the comments and found a link to a more pro-gun article as well. I am typically on the side of pro-gun, or at least "pro-choice" on guns. But I am also highly against corruption with guns. Along the line of a auto driver's license, we should have the opportunity to drive after a decent amount of training. There should be some basic guidelines to follow If someone sees us driving poorly, or if we hurt ouselves, then we should have them taken away. On any scale, one person's flaws can ruin the fun for multitudes.

Joel Swagman said...

Dean, thanks for the comment.
I myself am more on the restrictive side of gun control. So we're probably not going to agree on this completely. But perhaps we can make some moves towards some common ground?
Are you proposing a sort of gun license, which you would only get after passing a gun safety class, and then one which could be taken away from if you were using the gun in an unsafe way? If so, I wouldn't be opposed to that.
Also, what about automatic and semi-automatic assault weapons? I mean, I can kind of, sort of see the argument that you might need like a handgun for self defense, but I don't think you would need an automatic machine gun unless you plan on killing a whole bunch of people all at once. So I propose those be outlawed.
Also legislation in place to prevent mentally ill people from obtaining guns?

What do you say? Common ground?