(The second addendum to post on Anarchism. For the first addendum, see HERE.)
I saw this recently, and I thought I'd throw it in (along with my commentary) as a second addendum.
It's Time to Leave This Planet | Eric Weinstein
The argument Eric Weinstein advances in the video is that ever since the creation of the hydrogen bomb, Earth's days have been numbered. (n.b. the hydrogen bomb is much more powerful than the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It would take only a few hydrogen bombs to make the earth uninhabitable.) We've managed to make it 60 years without someone launching the nuclear weapons, but 60 years is actually not a long time. Given another 100 years, or 500 years, or 1000 years, eventually someone will screw up and launch the nukes. Humanity is not capable of having godlike power in its hands without someone screwing it up sooner or later.
Ergo his conclusion, we need to start looking for another planet on which to live if humans are to survive another millennium.
The really scary thing is, he's probably right.
But then, as I pointed out in my vlogs on anarchism, nuclear weapons are only possible in a world with strong centralized governments. You or I, as individuals, do not have the money, resources or expertise to create hydrogen bombs, attach them to missiles and launching equipment, store them, and guard them. The American government and the Chinese government can do all of this, but individual people cannot.
And we certainly couldn't stockpile nuclear weapons in the tens of thousands... which is what the USA and Russia have done.

So, if you want to solve the nuclear weapons problem, we need to get rid of centralized governments.
This never occurs to Eric Weinstein though. And it's telling that it never occurs to him. His only solution is to start looking for other planets to live.
Well, those are our options. Get rid of governments, or find other planets to live on.
1 comment:
Actually I believe that in those aforementioned vlogs on anarchism, I also said that now that I was middle aged I was trying to be less dogmatic about ideology. I must have forgotten that when I wrote this post, because I was too eager to force a false dichotomy here.
I don't necessarily take back everything I said in this post. I just wish I had allowed for more options here.
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