Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Like everyone else, I was saddened to hear off the death of Rachel Held Evans.
From Vox: How progressive Christian blogger Rachel Held Evans changed everything

I gave my opinions in 2014
I've come across Rachel Held Evans before.  I forget exactly how, but I think someone I know on Facebook must have linked to her blog in the past or something.  I haven't read a lot of her, but my impression is that she is pursuing a dialogue within the Christian faith.  She's defending a liberal view of Christianity against the more conservative view she grew up with.  When I was 20, I would have been very much on board with her, 


Whisky Prajer said...

Very sad news re: RHE, on quite a number of levels, particularly as it relates to the young family she leaves behind (a husband and three(?) small children, I think). Hers was a voice people listened to and an argument they engaged with -- and that latter quality is exceedingly rare. I imagine there was no shortage of the usual trolls doing their thing on her blog comment stream, but most of the people lamenting her passing are mourning how she seemed open to engagement in just about any circumstances. She changed peoples' minds, and how many people really have that capacity, particularly in religious circles?

Joel Swagman said...

As I indicated in my quote above, I never really thought she was talking to me. But I always admired her.