Finished: Bound for Glory by Woody Guthrie (Review coming soon... hopefully)

I use this blog for two different projects: my reviews and my materials for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
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Man, it took me a LONG time to finish that book. I borrowed it from the library a bunch of times (back in my "trying to figure out/copycat Dylan" days), then eventually bought a copy (yours, now) which I picked up between books I could actually finish in a day or two. It was such a frustrating book because he meanders all over the place, doesn't seem to have any point on the horizon he's aiming at, gets caught up in reveries that appeal to him for reasons that didn't make a lick of sense to me, etc.
And yet that book probably contains more indelible scenes that will stick in memory to the end of my days than any other I've read. Getting sunburned on top of a train, the kittens getting killed, being alone with his mother as she breaks down, drinking with Will Geer(!) -- I could go on and on. Reading it was a visceral experience, for me -- probably another reason why I couldn't manage it in a single go.
Similar story. I got a few pages into it back in August 2017, then it sat neglected on my shelves for the next year and a half. I picked it up again about a month ago, and made a push to finish it.
The scenes with the top of the train, and the kittens were memorable. Agreed. Although I guess I'll have to wait a few years before I make pronouncements on how well it will stick with me.
I had no idea who Will Geer was, but then I looked him up on Wikipedia when I got to that section of the book. Sounds like an interesting guy.
PS--my review is up now!
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