Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Find Your Partner: Review IELTS Writing Task 2 Information and Strategies

(TESOL Worksheets--IELTS Writing Task 2)
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[This is a find your partner game that I used to review the information and strategies for IELTS Writing Task 2.  It was designed as a supplement for IELTS Express Intermediate Textbook, and all of the information comes from this textbook (some of it verbatim).  However, I think it can also stand on its own as an independent worksheet, so I'm posting it here.  In my class I did this game twice--first as a standard whole class find your partner game, and second having the students match up the cards in small groups.]

Writing Task 2 is always a discursive essay question where you are given a point of view, an argument, or a problem and asked for…

…your opinions on this question.
In Writing Task 2, you can agree OR disagree, or you can agree AND disagree.  If you agree AND disagree, this is known as…

…a “for and against” essay.
“For and against” essays do not…
... include the writer’s personal opinions until the conclusion.
The criteria you are assessed on in Writing Task 2:
task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy
Task response:
how well you answer the question, i.e. the content and ideas.
Coherence and cohesion:
how your essay is organized and how the different parts are connected.
Lexical resource:
have you used an appropriate range of vocabulary?
Grammatical range and accuracy:
have you used a range of grammatical structures and have these been used accurately?
Allow a few minutes at the end to check your essay for…
…spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes.
Asking yourself questions about each of the keywords in the essay question…
…will help you to plan your answer.

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