Saturday, June 15, 2024

I've made up a couple of quizlet sets for studying phrasal verbs.

First, here is a set I made for the list of phrasal verbs in Impact 3: Phrasal Verbs: Separable and Inseparable
I took some of the separable verbs from Impact 3, and some of the inseparable.  There are a few words that are both separable and inseparable but with different meanings, so if you play any of the game modes, students will have to distinguish between the separable and inseparable meanings.  
e.g. calm down (inseparable): relax after being angry
calm down (separable): help relax

I made another set when I was teaching from Impact 4.  This list contains just the separable phrasal verbs.  (I originally intended to do both separable and inseparable, but the list was so long I just got halfway through the inseparable verbs, and then stopped.
That quizlet is here: Phrasal Verbs: Inseparable

I think the Impact 3 and Impact 4 books actually use the same list of phrasal verbs, so I could have re-used the same quizlet for both books.  I just forgot that I had already made up a quizlet, and so ended up making another one needlessly.  But now I've got them both made, so here they are.

I believe these quizlets can also stand as independent resources for any lesson on phrasal verbs in general.

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