And here I am back with the second movie in the series.
(I know I gave a rather cranky review to the first “Elizabeth” biopic (see previous post) but although I’m reviewing these movies separately, I watched them together as a set and then did my research afterwards. If I had realized at the time how historically inaccurate the first movie was, I might never have gone onto the second. But here we are).
This was actually the movie I wanted to see in the first place; the reason I went back at watched the first Elizabeth was because the previews for this movie had caught my eye. The big naval battle scenes with the Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth sitting on horseback leading her soldiers into battle, Clive Owen swinging around as the dashing Sir Walter Raleigh...
It turns out though that I was the victim of the oldest trick in the Hollywood playbook—put all the exciting scenes in the previews. The film is not exactly the big budget epic I was lead to believe it was. Most of the battle scenes (including the naval battles with the Spanish Armada) are alluded to, but not shown because the director didn't have the money to film them.
For example, the destruction of the Spanish Armada is symbolized by scenes of storm clouds coming in, then jewelry floating down to the bottom of the sea, then a candle blowing out in front of Spain’s King Phillip II. It’s clever the way the director uses what resources he does have, but movie goers should be forewarned this might not be the epic adventure they were looking for.
Other than that, it’s a decent enough movie. The acting is top notch. Clive Owen does a good job as Sir Walter Raleigh. Kate Blanchett does a good job as Elizabeth.
It was interesting listening to the director’s commentary. The director was very interested in the mythology surrounding history. He was also very interested in capturing visually interesting shots. This perhaps leads to some over the top long-drawn-out sequences near the end when he is trying to imply Elizabeth has achieved a sort of divinity. But I think some people will find it interesting. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea though.
Link of the Day
Utility Shut-Offs Increasing in Michigan
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