I first got into Wallace and Gromit way back in my freshman year of Calvin, largely because Brett and Cecil were into it, and I thought they were the coolest guys ever. (Hell, I still think they’re the coolest guys ever). In fact in those days Cecil even imitated the mannerisms of Wallace so often, especially the finger waving, that me and most of the rest of the guys on the floor didn’t know it was an act until Brett explained to me where he had gotten it from.
I guess I’ve become a bit of a Wallace and Gromit fan in my own right, although half of the joy I get from watching is just that it reminds me of Brett and Cecil, in the same way that half the music in my CD collection is CDs I bought because it reminds me of them.
Like most movies, this got a bit of a delayed theatrical release in Japan. And then when it did come out, it was dubbed into Japanese instead of subtitled (like most children’s movies are), so I had to wait for it to come out on DVD. I could have rented it when I was back in the US for the past 8 months, but for some reason I never did. Partly because this movie had gotten so-so reviews from just about everyone I talked to.
I suppose I’d probably have to give it a so-so review myself. It wasn’t a bad movie. About what I expected actually. It had a few funny moments. Although I don’t think it ever reached the same level of zaniness of the original Wallace and Gromit animation. The big climatic scene at the end was good, but not great. All in all, not a bad rental, but it’s probably just as well I didn’t make it to see this in the theaters.
Fat Albert first appeared in Cosby's stand-up comedy routine "Buck Buck," as recorded on his 1967 album Revenge. The stories were based upon Cosby's tales about growing up in the inner city of Philadelphia. In 1969, Cosby and veteran animator Ken Mundie brought Fat Albert to animation in a one-shot prime-time special entitled Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Fat Albert.
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