Friday, November 03, 2006

Harajiri Waterfall


In the past I've written a lot about the many beautiful waterfalls in or around my town of Ajimu. This actually isn't one of them. It's still in Oita Prefecture, but it's a 3 hour drive South from my town.

It's worth the drive though. As you can see it's quite beautiful. Harajiri waterfall is often called the "Niagara of Asia" because it resembles the shape of Niagara falls (even if not quite the same scale).

During my 3 years in Oita, I went twice. Once with the girlfriend in the summer(pre-Shoko girlfriend) and once when Brett came over to visit during Spring Break. On one of these photos, Brett set the timer on his camera so he could get a photo of the two of us. Just to be a jerk I pushed Brett at the last moment and ruined the picture. See if you can guess which picture that is.

Video of the visit Here:

Useless Wikipedia Fact
Beatle's Song "Dear Prudence" is about actress Mia Farrow's sister, Prudence, who was present when the Beatles visited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India. Prudence, focused on meditation, stayed in her room for the majority of their stay. John Lennon, worried she was depressed, wrote this song

Link of the Day
Racist Groups Organize Support of Anti-Affirmative Action Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI)
and Ku Klux Klan Distributes Literature Supporting Proposal 2


Anonymous said...

hey - did you hear about this tornado in Japan?

Joel Swagman said...

No, actually that's the first I've heard of it. In fact I didn't even know Japan had tornadoes.
Looks like it was in Northern Japan, so fortunately no one I know.

Chris Powell said...

hey nice pics. I never managed to make it there when i was in Japan.

Joel Swagman said...

it was 3 hours away from Ajimu, and there are only so many places you can go, especially if you're only in Japan for one year. I didn't make it until my second year...That being said, absolutely gorgeous spot. If you do make it back to Japan, you should make a point of checking it out.