Monday, December 15, 2014

Hot Fuzz

(Movie Review)

Why I Saw This Movie
After I saw and enjoyed World's End, I had several people tell me that this was the superior movie by the same team.  (This movie, together with World's End, and Shaun of the Dead make up what is referred to as the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy (W)--this was the only movie from that trilogy I had yet to see.)

The Review
I'm going to part company with many of my friends, and argue that World's End, was actually the superior comedy.  Nevertheless, some great moments here.  The same quirky comedy is on full display.  Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are once again great working with each other.  And although the film wasn't quite as funny as the other two films in the trilogy, it was very clever how seemingly throw away lines and scenes from early in the film would always come back later.

Rating :
7 out of 10 stars

The avclub review highlights the film's strengthsOnce Frost starts talking about all the cool shit people traditionally do in action movies, it's inevitable that everything he's gushing about will pop up in the film's climax, but there's enormous fun in seeing how Pegg and the boys get there.

Also, for a good run down of a lot of the film's more subtle jokes (many of which I confess to missing on first viewing) here is Nostalgia Critic: What You Never Knew About Hot Fuzz

Link of the Day
Noam Chomsky Explains Libertarian Socialism


dpreimer said...

I was surprised how much I enjoyed World's End. Going in, I knew full well I'd already seen the same movie twice before. Somehow Frost and Pegg manage to freshen it up whenever they get rolling.

I think, though, that I'd rate SOTD my fave of the three. The final scene in WE really dragged on, I thought.

Joel Swagman said...

I have very fond memories of Shaun of the Dead, although it has been a few years, and I'd have to re-watch it in order to make any comparisons about which movies in the trilogy are better.

While I agree, the ending in World's End did drag on a bit, it didn't really spoil the movie for me.

...Actually, on second thought, maybe I am going to take a stand and say that Shaun of the Dead is the best movie of the three. This is tentative, and needs to be confirmed by a second viewing, but when I think about it, all the great quotable lines and scenes that have stuck with me seem to come from Shaun of the Dead.