Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Passive: Present, Past, Present Perfect, Future

(TESOL Worksheets--Passive Verbs)
Google: docs, pub
[A modified version of this previous worksheet--modified to also include the will future.  In my classes I use this with English World 7, Unit 9, p.92 Grammar]

Passive: Present, Past, Present Perfect, Future

present passive
past passive
present perfect passive
have been
has been
future passive
will be

Example: cat mouse catch
present: The cat catches the mouse. = The mouse is caught by the cat.
past: The cat caught the mouse. = The mouse was caught by the cat.
present perfect: The cat has caught the mouse. = The mouse has been caught by the cat.
Future: The cat will catch the mouse. = The mouse will be caught by the cat.

1. The boy eats hamburgers.

The boy ate hamburgers.

The boy has eaten hamburgers.

The boy will eat hamburgers.

2. The students take the test.

The students took the test.

The students have taken the test.

The students will take the test.

3. The girl kicks the ball.

The girl kicked the ball.

The girl has kicked the ball.

The girl will kick the ball.

4. The man drives the car.

The man drove the car.

The man has driven the car.

The man will drive the car.

4. The thief steals the wallet.

The thief stole the wallet.

The thief has stolen the wallet.

The man will steal the wallet.

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