Thursday, September 18, 2003

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essays

 1. Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have transformed the way we live as well as postponing the day we die. There is no better time to be alive than now.  To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
2.  Advertising serves no useful purpose and can even have harmful effects. Therefore, all forms of advertising should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3.  Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4.  Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle.  Both schools and parents are responsible for solving this problem.  To what extent do you agree with this statement.
5. The number of people living in cities around the world continues to grow. One consequence of this trend is that many historical buildings are torn down to make way for new constructions. Discuss possible ways for cities to preserve their historical buildings.
6.  Describe one major education issue in your country. What is the problem?  What solutions are there to this problem?
7.  ‘Going on strike’ is commonly used as a catalyst to resolve industrial disputes. Many conservative governments are strongly opposed to this mechanism for bringing about change. Discuss the pros and cons of this action in resolving disputes.
8.  Do young people today make good use of their leisure time? Or do they spend too much time watching television and playing video games, instead of taking part in more productive activities? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
9.  Most of the world’s poor live in countries where tourism is a growing industry. The issue is that tourism does not benefit the poorest.  How can the income generated by tourism benefit the poor? And how can we ensure that tourism does not destroy traditional cultures and ways of life?
10.  The loss of rainforests due to illegal logging is a serious problem today.  What can be done to stop illegal logging?
11.  Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
12.  What are the key problems facing the world’s cities in the 21st century and what can be done about them?
13.  In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.  What do you think is the cause of this? What solutions can you suggest?
14.  In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
15.  According to a recent study, the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings. Should we worry about the effect this is having on social interaction or should we see the Internet as a way of opening up new communication possibilities worldwide?
16. In order to reduce crime, we need to attack the causes of crime such as poverty and lack of educational opportunities. It is not enough to simply have more police on the street and put more people into prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
17. Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
18. Throughout history, male leaders often made the society more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, the world would be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
19. Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

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