Friday, February 03, 2023

What Happens To Your Brain When You Mindlessly Scroll?: Listening Worksheet for Youtube Video

(Youtube Videos Authentic Listening)

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Worksheet: docs, pub

What Happens To Your Brain When You Mindlessly Scroll?

1. What chemical gets released in your brain when you use your cell phone?  How does this chemical make you feel?

2. If you’re addicted to your phone, what chemical gets released when you don’t check your phone for a while?

3. What does “FOMO” stand for?  How is this connected to cell-phone addiction?

4. Why do we keep checking our phone?

5. What is “Phubbing”?

6. What increases after 5 days of quitting your phone?

7. For college students who actively use their phones, how long can they concentrate on subjects?

8. What happens every time you have to open a text message or check a notification?

1. What chemical gets released in your brain when you use your cell phone?  How does this chemical make you feel?

The chemical is dopamine. It makes us feel satisfied and rewarded. (2:19-3:08)

2. If you’re addicted to your phone, what chemical gets released when you don’t check your phone for a while?

Cortisol (0:30-0:32)

3. What does “FOMO” stand for?  How is this connected to cell-phone addiction?

It stands for fear of missing out.  When we don’t check our cell phones, we worry that we are missing out on important information. (1:48-2:12)

4. Why do we keep checking our phone?

We can’t predict what is going to happen, so the unpredictability of it is addictive to our brain.  When we do check, we are constantly rewarded by notifications, likes, and communication. (2:47-3:10) 

5. What is “Phubbing”?

Snubbing your loved ones for your phone (3:49-3:53)

6. What increases after 5 days of quitting your phone?

Your attention span (4:23-4:27)

7. For college students who actively use their phones, how long can they concentrate on subjects?

Only 65 seconds (4:30-4:37)

8. What happens every time you have to open a text message or check a notification?

Your brain has to switch from task to task, making it harder for you to concentrate (5:05-5:19)

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