Saturday, March 07, 2020

Picture Identification: Choose the pictures that match the sentence

(TESOL Worksheets--Present Simple PassiveAny Grammar Point)
Google: docs, pub

The specific example linked to above is for the present passive, but the general activity can be used for any grammar point. The images are not mine but found from Google Images search.  I had previously used these same pictures in a different lesson on the passive HERE.
The students are given a sentence in the target language, and must choose the picture which matches the sentence.

Circle the correct picture:
1. The hamburger is eaten by the person.
Z:\Teachers\Joel.Swagman\YL 8\Module 4\Lesson 15\pictures for passive voice\ieathamburger.jpg Z:\Teachers\Joel.Swagman\YL 8\Module 4\Lesson 15\pictures for passive voice\hamburgereatsme2.png
2. The person is eaten by the hamburger.
Z:\Teachers\Joel.Swagman\YL 8\Module 4\Lesson 15\pictures for passive voice\ieathamburger.jpg Z:\Teachers\Joel.Swagman\YL 8\Module 4\Lesson 15\pictures for passive voice\hamburgereatsme2.png
3. The man is bitten by the dog.
4. The dog is bitten by the man.

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