Tuesday, July 13, 2004

On the Senate Debating a Constitutional Amendment to ban Same Sex Marriages...
Forget for a moment about all the obvious hatred and bigotry behind this amendment. Instead consider this: using a constitutional amendment to resolve this issue would be in contradiction to the usual conservative philosophy of small federal government and states rights.

Remember the "Defense of Marriage Act" already legislated that states do not have to recognize the same sex marriages of other states. So the only purpose for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriages altogether would be for the federal government to restrict states from recognizing any same sex marriages at all.

What happened to the all the stuff about states rights we've been hearing for the last 50 years?

Of course it was always commonly known that during the 1960s and 70s, "States Rights" and "local control" was just code for "we don't want black people in our swimming pools". During the 1980s and 90s, States Rights and local control rhetoric was used against federal environmental regulations. States Rights was always just a convenient rhetorical trick to mask policies the right knew it couldn't get public sympathy for if it just said them outright.

But now the other shoe has dropped, and we see how quickly this "States Rights" garbage is abandoned. Remember this the next time those hypocrites start whining about the federal government and states rights.

This also brings up an interesting question. What exactly does today's Republican stand for? Fiscal responsibility? Well that's obviously gone out the window. States Rights and a smaller federal government? Apparently not. Somebody help me out. What exactly do Republicans stand for these days?

And why does anybody still support Bush? I never liked him in the first place, so perhaps I just won't be able to understand this, but I can't figure it out.

I'll try and say my piece without turning into an angry liberal rant, but really....The situation in Iraq really couldn't be going any worse. Everything that those of us who opposed the war said would happen has happened. There has been no WMD found, no link proven between Saddam and Al-qaeda. The country is unstable and we've been caught in a Vietnam like quagmire. U.S. soldiers torturing Iraqis, flawed intelligence that led us into the war, the situation is creating more hatred towards the US in the middle East, and undoubtedly nurturing new terrorists, etc, etc, etc. And Bush's approval ratings are still relatively high.

With the situation in Iraq like it is, combined with the Bush's administrations disregard of traditional conservative principles, the only reasons I could understand someone voting for Bush this November is if you really like tax cuts, or you really hate homosexuals, or you blindly support any American military endeavor.

But that's just me, the angry liberal. Maybe someone could explain to me why they support Bush.

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