Monday, September 25, 2023

Diagramming Prepositional Phrases

(TESOL Worksheets--Prepositional PhrasesNoun Phrases, diagramming sentences)
Google: slides, pub
additional sentences: docs, pub
[The sentences, and diagrams, are taken from the website Grammar-Revolution: Grammar Through Sentence Diagramming--specifically Chapter 3: Prepositional Phrases.  In order to use this, I had to teach my students the basics of sentence diagramming first, but fortunately they caught on quickly.  I used this to supplement the complex noun phrases lesson in Expert IELTS 6Language Development and Vocabulary p.112.  However, as is made clear on the original site that I took these from, some of these prepositional phrases are actually used to modify verbs.   (You can see this quite clearly in the diagrams).  I still did it as a noun phrase lesson, but I just did the prepositional phrases modifying verbs as a little extra bonus.]

1. The boy with the big house in the city loves the girl with the tattoo of the dragon.

2. The refurbishment of the oldest wing of the museum is very expensive.

3. The museum is a celebration of old and new culture in New Zealand.

4. The top floor represents the original groups of people on the island.

5. You must visit the traditional cave near the centre of the gardens.

6. The history of the island is represented by the spheres on the left at the entrance to the museum.

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