Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A new episode of Revolutions Podcast just came out: 10.80- The Revolt of the Czechoslovak Legion:  Time to play the wild card.

As usual, another fascinating episode.
I had no idea about the story of the Czechoslovak Legion, so that was really interesting.

In this episode we also get to the part where the Bolsheviks begin to tighten their authoritarian control in the name of War Communism.
A lot of what Mike Duncan outlines in this episode forms the standard anarchist complaint against the  Bolsheviks--a critique I picked up from Noam Chomsky.

When I was at the University of Melbourne, I remember arguing some of these points with one of the Trotskyist groups on campus.  They would always reply to me that this was because of the necessity of Wartime Communism.  
(Sidenote: Given how little educated I was about the historical particulars of 1918, I don't know why I felt the need to try to argue about it.  I should have talked less and read more.)

Other notes:
* Is it my imagination, or are there some mistakes in the editing of this episode?  Like when "blank" seems to be inserted in place of a number.  
(It looks like I'm not the only one who noticed this.)

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