Monday, April 07, 2014

Future Forms Worksheet

[Cut this paper into two pieces along the ********. Give out the top half first and have the students talk about them with their partner. Then give out the second half. The answers to the second half are, in order, 1, 4, 2, 3]

Talk with a partner.  Which of these sentences are correct?  Which of them are incorrect?
1. I will leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.
2. I'm going to leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.
3. I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.
4. I leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.

          It's a trick question.  All of these forms are correct.  And in all of these forms, the speaker does the same thing (leave for Chicago) at the same time (tomorrow at 4 pm).
          So what is the difference?  The difference between forms reflects how the speaker sees the different actions.
See if you can match the different sentences to the speaker's perception of the event.
1. I will leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm. (will used for future).

2. I'm going to leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm. (going to used for future).

3. I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.
(present continuous used for future).

4. I leave for Chicago tomorrow at 4 pm.
(present tense used for future)

____I see this future event as inevitable given the present state of affairs.

____I see this future event as a fact.

____I see this event as happening in the future based on evidence I have.

_____I have made an arrangement for this future event.

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