Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Model Text for Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

(TESOL Materials--Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

Slideshow: slides, pub
Worksheet: docs, pub

Notes: The model text is from HamiltonHouseELT Youtube Channel.  I've made up a slideshow and worksheet to accompany it.
Staging follows like this:
Lead-in: Slide 1 of the slideshow.  Elicit from students what the pictures represent (trouble when travelling), then confirm on the animation.  Go to slide 2.  Students talk to a partner about a problem they had when travelling.
Orientation to the Text: On slide 3.  Establish the names of the characters: Mark and Betty
Gist Question: Gist Questions comes up on animation: What problems do they have?​
    Play video from 0:27
Specific Information Questions: Use the questions on the first sheet of the worksheet, and slide 5.
Noticing Activity: On the second page of the worksheet.  Students listen and fill in the gaps.
For clarification of meaning, use 6 to 12.  Use concept checking questions to confirm understanding.  
Clarification of form is slides 13-14.
No slides for clarification of pronunciation, but teacher can drill sentences.
Slides 15 and 16 link to 2 controlled practices contrasting Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous: Board Race and Kahoot. 

What had Mark and Betty decided to do? 


What did Mark forget to do? 


Why were the roads to the airport blocked? 


What did Mark leave at home? 


When they landed, what did Becky realize? 



 Write in the missing words 

Narrator: Mark and Betty ______________ to go skiing. Mark ______________ to set the alarm and ______________ up very late. 

Mark: Oh no! I forgot to set the alarm!  We'll miss our flight! 

Narrator: The roads to the airport were blocked because it ______________ all night. When they got to the airport Mark ______________  that he ______________ the tickets at home. Mark went back to get the tickets. Betty was mad. 

Mark: Oh no! I left the tickets at home. I'll go back to get them.  

Narrator: Mark brought the tickets and they got on the plane. When they landed Betty ______________ that they ______________ on the wrong plane. They wanted to go skiing but they would go surfing instead.  

Betty: I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane 



Narrator: Mark and Betty had decided to go skiing. Mark had forgotten to set the alarm and woke up very late. 

Mark: Oh no! I forgot to set the alarm!  We'll miss our flight! 

Narrator: The roads to the airport were blocked because it had been snowing all night. When they got to the airport Mark realized that he had left the tickets at home. Mark went back to get the tickets. Betty was mad. 

Mark: Oh no! I left the tickets at home. I'll go back to get them.  

Narrator: Mark brought the tickets and they got on the plane. When they landed Betty realized that they had got on the wrong plane. They wanted to go skiing but they would go surfing instead. I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane 

Betty: I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane 

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