Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mixed Conditionals Past/Present: Story

(TESOL Workeets-- Mixed Conditionals Type 1: Past/Present)

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[This is based on a previous story I made for 3rd Conditional.  Procedure: Students are put in pairs, and are given a copy of the model text which is cut up and shuffled.  Students have to put the model text in order.  When they get it correct, the teacher approves, and then removes the cut up version, and gives them a version with the target language blanked out.  Students must fill in the missing words, either from memory, or using a running dictation.  (The full version of the model text is placed outside the room.)]

“Simon, wake up!” called his mother.  “You’re late for school!”

Simon looked at the clock.  It was 9 a.m.  His alarm was supposed to have gone off at 7 a.m.  What happened?  “Oh no!”  Simon thought.  “I forgot to set my alarm last night.  If I had set my alarm, I wouldn’t be late.”

Simon ran out the door without even eating breakfast or taking his umbrella.  As he was on his way to school, it started raining.  Simon didn’t have his umbrella with him, so he got soaking wet.  “If I had remembered my umbrella, then I wouldn’t be wet now,” Simon thought to himself.

Finally, Simon arrived at school, and the teacher yelled at him for being late.  “If I had arrived early, the teacher wouldn’t be angry with me,” Simon thought sadly.

“Alright class,” said the teacher.  “Put away your books.  It’s time for the test.”

          Simon panicked.  “I didn’t know we had a test!” he said.

“I told you about the test yesterday,” said the teacher.  “But you weren’t listening.  If you had listened to me, then you would be ready for the test.”

Simon took the test, but because he hadn’t studied, he didn’t know any of the questions.  He didn’t get any questions right.  “If I had studied, then I would know the answers,” Simon thought sadly.

In the afternoon, Simon tried to study at school, but he was so hungry that he couldn’t study.

When he got home, his mother asked him, “How was school?”

“I couldn’t study because I was so hungry,” said Simon.

“Well, I’m not surprised,” said his mother.  “You didn’t eat breakfast.  If you had eaten breakfast, then you wouldn’t be hungry now.”

Simon’s Bad Day

“Simon, wake up!” called his mother.  “You’re late for school!”

Simon looked at the clock.  It was 9 a.m.  His alarm was supposed to have gone off at 7 a.m.  What happened?  “Oh no!”  Simon thought.  “I forgot to set my alarm last night.  If I _________ _________ my alarm, I _________ _________ late.”

Simon ran out the door without even eating breakfast or taking his umbrella.  As he was on his way to school, it started raining.  Simon didn’t have his umbrella with him, so he got soaking wet.  “If I _________ _________ my umbrella, then I _________ _________ wet now,” Simon thought to himself.

Finally, Simon arrived at school, and the teacher yelled at him for being late.  “If I _________ _________ early, the teacher _________ _________ angry with me,” Simon thought sadly.

“Alright class,” said the teacher.  “Put away your books.  It’s time for the test.”

           Simon panicked.  “I didn’t know we had a test!” he said.

“I told you about the test yesterday,” said the teacher.  “But you weren’t listening.  If you _________ _________ to me, then you _________ _________ ready for the test.”

Simon took the test, but because he hadn’t studied, he didn’t know any of the questions.  He didn’t get any questions right.  “If I _________ _________ , then I _________ _________ the answers,” Simon thought sadly.

In the afternoon, Simon tried to study at school, but he was so hungry that he couldn’t study.

When he got home, his mother asked him, “How was school?”

“I couldn’t study because I was so hungry,” said Simon.

“Well, I’m not surprised,” said his mother.  “You didn’t eat breakfast.  If you _________ _________ breakfast, then you _________ _________ hungry now.”

Simon’s Bad Day

“Simon, wake up!” called his mother.  “You’re late for school!”

Simon looked at the clock.  It was 9 a.m.  His alarm was supposed to have gone off at 7 a.m.  What happened?  “Oh no!”  Simon thought.  “I forgot to set my alarm last night.  If I had set my alarm, I wouldn’t be late.”

Simon ran out the door without even eating breakfast or taking his umbrella.  As he was on his way to school, it started raining.  Simon didn’t have his umbrella with him, so he got soaking wet.  “If I had remembered my umbrella, then I wouldn’t be wet now,” Simon thought to himself.

Finally, Simon arrived at school, and the teacher yelled at him for being late.  “If I had arrived early, the teacher wouldn’t be angry with me,” Simon thought sadly.

“Alright class,” said the teacher.  “Put away your books.  It’s time for the test.”

           Simon panicked.  “I didn’t know we had a test!” he said.

“I told you about the test yesterday,” said the teacher.  “But you weren’t listening.  If you had listened to me, then you would be ready for the test.”

Simon took the test, but because he hadn’t studied, he didn’t know any of the questions.  He didn’t get any questions right.  “If I had studied, then I would know the answers,” Simon thought sadly.

In the afternoon, Simon tried to study at school, but he was so hungry that he couldn’t study.

When he got home, his mother asked him, “How was school?”

“I couldn’t study because I was so hungry,” said Simon.

“Well, I’m not surprised,” said his mother.  “You didn’t eat breakfast.  If you had eaten breakfast, then you wouldn’t be hungry now.”

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