Sunday, June 16, 2024


Book Haul: Mighty Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four Volume 2, Swamp Thing The Bronze Age Volume 3
Books (130 pages this week--the goal is 200 pages)
1st Chronicles p.438-442 (1st Chronicles 9-12) (From The Bible) (4 pages)
Comic Books (Comic Books don't count towards weekly page counts)
From: Section 2, Unit 24, Level 3, Lesson 3 To: Section 2, Unit 25, Level 1, Lesson 2 (My Duolingo profile is hereHere is the quizlet I use to practice all of the vocabulary I've learned in Duolingo.  I had to create a second one once I got to 2000 words.  Second quizlet here.  And here is a smaller quizlet I use to consolidate the new or difficult vocabulary.  And here is a quizlet I have with only the most recent 100 words I've learned.)

Videos from this week:

For more information about what this is and why I'm doing it, see HERE.

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