Thursday, September 26, 2024

I created a Kahoot game for listening - test familiarization at my school: Listening Familiarization.  
Possibly this might be useful for other teachers who are teaching in similar programs.  You will have to make a copy of it first, however, and delete any questions which don't apply to your situation.

Lesson Plan for Passive Voice

Google Drive: docs, pub
Notes: This lesson plan is adapted from a lesson plan I used for p.64 of Impact 4 (that document is here--docs, pub).  In order to make this lesson plan usable for teachers in any context, I made a generic copy in which I deleted any references to reviewing material that was unique to Impact 4.
The template I used for this is adapted from something I've previously posted HERE.
This lesson plan contains material that I've previously posted on this blog:

Stage Name

Description of stage



The lead-in is to the context of the model text (not the grammar point).  Students are asked to discuss a question with their partner.  The lead-in attempts to connect their knowledge/experience with some aspect of the model text.

Talk to a partner about a time that you were late.  Why were you late?

Model Text

Done as either a reading or listening.  Students process the model text for understanding.  Possibly the students might encounter model text twice (once for gist question, once for specific information questions)

Gist Listening: Watch the video. Jerry has been late 3 times.  Why has he been late? (note: stop the video at 6:20)

Specific Detail Questions: Use Worksheet.  Only play until 2:30.

Notice the Target Language

This can either be done as an activity (e.g. running dictation to reconstruct target language, fill in the gaps).  Or it can be simply done by the teacher highlight the target language

Handout out adjusted transcript.  Tell students that some of the sentences are different from the video.  Play the video again, and students correct the sentences on the transcript to make them the same as the video.  Check answers with answer sheet.

Clarify Meaning

Take some sentences from the model text, show them to students, and check their meaning using Concept Checking Questions

Display video from 7:04.  Have the sound off.  

Concept Checking Question: Do these sentences have the same meaning?

Clarify Form

Take a sentence from the model text, display it on the board, and elicit the form from students.

Display screen of video at 8:00.  Elicit the form from students for each passive tense.

Clarify pronunciation

Remove the written form from the view of the students.  Do choral drilling followed by individual drilling.  Elicit the stress pattern from the students.

Remove screen from view of students, and drill pronunciation.

Controlled practice

Students have to complete a sentence using the target language.  Teacher monitors, does on the spot correction, and microteaching as needed.

Kahoot game and/or quizlet live

Semi-Controlled practice

Students have to make full sentences using the target language.  Teacher monitors, does on the spot correction, and microteaching as needed.

Students make passive sentences using: Tom and Jerry slideshowVideo


Students have to produce some sort of extended discourse (writing, conversation) using the target language.  Teacher monitors, but does not do immediate correction.  Errors are noted down for delayed correction after the activity finishes.

Students write about a time they were late using the passive voice.  Feedback with a gallery walk.  

In Subsequent Lessons  (The vocabulary will need to be reviewed in subsequent lessons, or it will be quickly forgotten).

Review activities

Garbage Man. Photocopy onto color paper (white, pink, green,yellow, blue).  Cut up and scatter around the room.  Each team has to find the paper corresponding to their team color.  They bring the slip of paper back to their table, write the correct answer, teacher checks, and then they find another slip of paper.  First team to correctly complete all 10 questions is the winner.  

Drinking songs--Interesting Random Facts

According to Wikipedia, the definition of Drinking Song is: 

drinking song is a song sung while drinking alcohol

I couldn't help myself, so I edited the Wikipedia entry myself.

drinking song is a song sung while drinking alcohol. Actually not literally while drinking alcohol, since it is difficult to imbibe liquid and sing simultaneously. Rather, most drinking songs are meant to be song in between sips of alcohol. 

...we'll see how long my edit lasts.

Passive Voice: Video and Model Text and Freer Practice

(TESOL Materials--Passive Voice)

Worksheet: docs, pub

Notes: The video comes from Easy English Youtube Channel.  I've made up a worksheet to accompany it.
Staging follows like this:
Lead-in: Talk to a partner about a time that you were late.  Why were you late?
Gist ListeningWatch the video. Jerry has been late 3 times.  Why has he been late? (note: stop the video at 6:20)
Noticing the Target Language: Handout out adjusted transcript.  Tell students that some of the sentences are different from the video.  Play the video again, and students correct the sentences on the transcript to make them the same as the video.  Check answers with answer sheet.
Clarify Meaning: Display video from 7:04.  Have the sound off.  Concept Checking Questions: Do these sentences have the same meaning?
Clarify Form: Display screen of video at 8:00.  Elicit the form from students for each passive tense.
Clarify pronunciation: Remove screen from view of students, and drill pronunciation.

Possibly follow up with Controlled and Semi-Controlled Practice: (e.g. here, here or here).
In the Freer Practice: Students write about a time they were late using the passive voice (link)  Feedback with a gallery walk (link).

1. How many times has Jerry been late this week?

2. How long was Jerry’s car sitting in the same spot this morning?

3. What stopped traffic today?

4. Where did the animals escape from?

5. How late was Jerry yesterday?

6. Why did the policeman pull Jerry over?

1. How many times has Jerry been late this week?

2. How long was Jerry’s car sitting in the same spot this morning?

3. What stopped traffic today?

4. Where did the animals escape from?

5. How late was Jerry yesterday?

6. Why did the policeman pull Jerry over?

Boss: Jerry, this is the third time you've been late this week. We needed you in that meeting today. Fortunately we did the deal, but it almost didn't happen.

Jerry: I'm really sorry, but I was stuck in traffic. My car was sitting in the same spot for 30 minutes.

Boss: If you're getting stuck in traffic every day then you should leave the house earlier.

Jerry: I know, but that isn't the problem. Today was the first time that I was stuck in traffic and it wasn't normal rush hour traffic either.

Boss: What do you mean?

Jerry: Today a zebra stopped traffic.

Boss: A zebra?

Jerry: Yeah, I saw it. The zebra walked right in front of my car. Another car almost hit  the zebra. People saw other animals on the freeway too. It was crazy

Boss: You expect me to believe that a zebra delayed you.

Jerry: It's true. People talked about it on the radio. You should listen to the report. People think that the animals escaped from the zoo

Boss: I'm going to have to check out your story. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but what about yesterday? You were an hour late.

Jerry: Yesterday I was driving to work when a policeman stopped my car. The policeman pulled me over and the policeman told me I was under arrest.

Boss: Really? Why?

Jerry: The policeman said that people had seen my car at the scene of a crime

Boss: It sounds like you're making up stories.  Did that really happen?

Jerry: It's all true. When the policeman pulled me over, the policeman asked me to get out of the car. He handcuffed my hands behind my back. He said that people had seen my car on the camera of a gas station that the thieves had robbed.

Boss: Jerry, this is the third time you've been late this week. You were needed in that meeting today. Fortunately the deal was done, but it almost didn't happen.

Jerry: I'm really sorry, but I was stuck in traffic. My car was sitting in the same spot for 30 minutes.

Boss: If you're getting stuck in traffic every day then you should leave the house earlier.

Jerry: I know, but that isn't the problem. Today was the first time that I was stuck in traffic and it wasn't normal rush hour traffic either.

Boss: What do you mean?

Jerry: Today traffic was stopped by a zebra

Boss: A zebra?

Jerry: Yeah, I saw it. The zebra walked right in front of my car. It was almost hit by another car. Other animals were seen on the freeway too. It was crazy

Boss: You expect me to believe that you were delayed by a zebra.

Jerry: It's true. It was talked about on the radio. You should listen to the report. It is thought that the animals escaped from the zoo

Boss: I'm going to have to check out your story. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but what about yesterday? You were an hour late yesterday.

Jerry: Yesterday I was driving to work when my car was stopped by a policeman. I was pulled over and the policeman told me I was under arrest.

Boss: Really? Why?

Jerry: The policeman said that my car had been seen at the scene of a crime

Boss: It sounds like you're making up stories.  Did that really happen?

Jerry: It's all true. When I was pulled over the policeman asked me to get out of the car.  My hands were handcuffed behind my back. He said that my car had been seen on the camera of a gas station that had been robbed.

Write about a time you were late.  (This can be a real story or an imagined story.)  Use the passive voice.








































Your classmates’ stories are posted around the room.  Read them.  Which story is your favorite?  Why?

Name of classmate

Why were they late

Name of classmate

Why were they late

Which story was your favorite?  Why?

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Model Text for Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

(TESOL Materials--Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

Slideshow: slides, pub
Worksheet: docs, pub

Notes: The model text is from HamiltonHouseELT Youtube Channel.  I've made up a slideshow and worksheet to accompany it.
Staging follows like this:
Lead-in: Slide 1 of the slideshow.  Elicit from students what the pictures represent (trouble when travelling), then confirm on the animation.  Go to slide 2.  Students talk to a partner about a problem they had when travelling.
Orientation to the Text: On slide 3.  Establish the names of the characters: Mark and Betty
Gist Question: Gist Questions comes up on animation: What problems do they have?​
    Play video from 0:27
Specific Information Questions: Use the questions on the first sheet of the worksheet, and slide 5.
Noticing Activity: On the second page of the worksheet.  Students listen and fill in the gaps.
For clarification of meaning, use 6 to 12.  Use concept checking questions to confirm understanding.  
Clarification of form is slides 13-14.
No slides for clarification of pronunciation, but teacher can drill sentences.
Slides 15 and 16 link to 2 controlled practices contrasting Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous: Board Race and Kahoot. 

What had Mark and Betty decided to do? 


What did Mark forget to do? 


Why were the roads to the airport blocked? 


What did Mark leave at home? 


When they landed, what did Becky realize? 



 Write in the missing words 

Narrator: Mark and Betty ______________ to go skiing. Mark ______________ to set the alarm and ______________ up very late. 

Mark: Oh no! I forgot to set the alarm!  We'll miss our flight! 

Narrator: The roads to the airport were blocked because it ______________ all night. When they got to the airport Mark ______________  that he ______________ the tickets at home. Mark went back to get the tickets. Betty was mad. 

Mark: Oh no! I left the tickets at home. I'll go back to get them.  

Narrator: Mark brought the tickets and they got on the plane. When they landed Betty ______________ that they ______________ on the wrong plane. They wanted to go skiing but they would go surfing instead.  

Betty: I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane 



Narrator: Mark and Betty had decided to go skiing. Mark had forgotten to set the alarm and woke up very late. 

Mark: Oh no! I forgot to set the alarm!  We'll miss our flight! 

Narrator: The roads to the airport were blocked because it had been snowing all night. When they got to the airport Mark realized that he had left the tickets at home. Mark went back to get the tickets. Betty was mad. 

Mark: Oh no! I left the tickets at home. I'll go back to get them.  

Narrator: Mark brought the tickets and they got on the plane. When they landed Betty realized that they had got on the wrong plane. They wanted to go skiing but they would go surfing instead. I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane 

Betty: I don't think these are the Swiss Alps. We got on the wrong plane