Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lesson Plan for Passive Voice

Google Drive: docs, pub
Notes: This lesson plan is adapted from a lesson plan I used for p.64 of Impact 4 (that document is here--docs, pub).  In order to make this lesson plan usable for teachers in any context, I made a generic copy in which I deleted any references to reviewing material that was unique to Impact 4.
The template I used for this is adapted from something I've previously posted HERE.
This lesson plan contains material that I've previously posted on this blog:

Stage Name

Description of stage



The lead-in is to the context of the model text (not the grammar point).  Students are asked to discuss a question with their partner.  The lead-in attempts to connect their knowledge/experience with some aspect of the model text.

Talk to a partner about a time that you were late.  Why were you late?

Model Text

Done as either a reading or listening.  Students process the model text for understanding.  Possibly the students might encounter model text twice (once for gist question, once for specific information questions)

Gist Listening: Watch the video. Jerry has been late 3 times.  Why has he been late? (note: stop the video at 6:20)

Specific Detail Questions: Use Worksheet.  Only play until 2:30.

Notice the Target Language

This can either be done as an activity (e.g. running dictation to reconstruct target language, fill in the gaps).  Or it can be simply done by the teacher highlight the target language

Handout out adjusted transcript.  Tell students that some of the sentences are different from the video.  Play the video again, and students correct the sentences on the transcript to make them the same as the video.  Check answers with answer sheet.

Clarify Meaning

Take some sentences from the model text, show them to students, and check their meaning using Concept Checking Questions

Display video from 7:04.  Have the sound off.  

Concept Checking Question: Do these sentences have the same meaning?

Clarify Form

Take a sentence from the model text, display it on the board, and elicit the form from students.

Display screen of video at 8:00.  Elicit the form from students for each passive tense.

Clarify pronunciation

Remove the written form from the view of the students.  Do choral drilling followed by individual drilling.  Elicit the stress pattern from the students.

Remove screen from view of students, and drill pronunciation.

Controlled practice

Students have to complete a sentence using the target language.  Teacher monitors, does on the spot correction, and microteaching as needed.

Kahoot game and/or quizlet live

Semi-Controlled practice

Students have to make full sentences using the target language.  Teacher monitors, does on the spot correction, and microteaching as needed.

Students make passive sentences using: Tom and Jerry slideshowVideo


Students have to produce some sort of extended discourse (writing, conversation) using the target language.  Teacher monitors, but does not do immediate correction.  Errors are noted down for delayed correction after the activity finishes.

Students write about a time they were late using the passive voice.  Feedback with a gallery walk.  

In Subsequent Lessons  (The vocabulary will need to be reviewed in subsequent lessons, or it will be quickly forgotten).

Review activities

Garbage Man. Photocopy onto color paper (white, pink, green,yellow, blue).  Cut up and scatter around the room.  Each team has to find the paper corresponding to their team color.  They bring the slip of paper back to their table, write the correct answer, teacher checks, and then they find another slip of paper.  First team to correctly complete all 10 questions is the winner.  

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