Sunday, July 14, 2024


Book Haul: An Oresteia translated by Anne Carson, Glenraven by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Holly Lisle, Discovering Scarfolk by Richard Littler, Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson, Consider Phlebas by Ian M. Banks, A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel
Books (156 pages this week--the goal is 200 pages)
1st Chronicles p.452-458 (1st Chronicles 23-29) (From The Bible) (6 pages) (finished--review coming soon)
Comic Books (Comic Books don't count towards weekly page counts)
Revolutions Season 10: The Russian Revolution by Mike Duncan  3rd Listening From: 10.17- The Emancipation of Labor Group To: 10.25- Senseless Dreams (from Revolutions Podcast)
From: Section 2, Unit 26, Level 4, Lesson 1 To: Section 2, Unit 27, Level 1, Lesson 4 (My Duolingo profile is hereHere is the quizlet I use to practice all of the vocabulary I've learned in Duolingo.  I had to create a second one once I got to 2000 words.  Second quizlet here.  And here is a smaller quizlet I use to consolidate the new or difficult vocabulary.  And here is a quizlet I have with only the most recent 100 words I've learned.)

Videos from this week:

Links to other stuff mentioned;
* Book Street in Vietnam

For more information about what this is and why I'm doing it, see HERE.

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