Thursday, June 06, 2024

2nd Kings (The Jerusalem Bible): Book Discussion

Started: May 20, 2024

(This is a reread.  I originally read this book in 7th grade.  But since this is my first time reviewing this book on this blog, according to my new rules, I'm doing this as a video only review.) 

Unfortunately, this video is not very good.  I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but I had trouble getting them from my brain into my mouth.
So, I'm sorry if the video is a bit difficult to watch.  What can I say?  I wish I was better at this.  I wish I was more articulate and smooth, but I'm not.
I also suspect (and I mentioned this in the video a couple of times) that the fact that I was filming the video right before bed meant that my brain was tired and I wasn't as switched on.  I often feel that when I film a video in the afternoon, it goes better.  Unfortunately, though, my schedule doesn't leave me free during the afternoon, and I usually have to wait until the kids have gone to bed to film a video.  And as I explained in this blog post, under my current system, the priority is just to get the video done as soon as possible, even if the conditions aren't ideal.
I feel bad that this video wasn't better, because there were a lot of interesting things that I wanted to say about 2nd Kings.  (Although most of the information that I wanted to get across, I did manage to say--it's just that it came out in a jumbled and disjoined fashion that's not very good to listen to.) But, on the bright side, I may go back and reread 2nd Kings one day, and if I do, I'll have another chance to express my thoughts.

I explain about my background with the Bible and my reasons for doing this read-through in this blog post here:

Here are links to some of the stuff mentioned in this video:

May 26, 2024: 2nd Kings 1-11

Playlist HERE:

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