Sunday, May 09, 2021

Impact 3 Unit 5 Reading and New Words p.78-80

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Impact 3)

Google Drive Folder HERE
* QuizzizImpact 3 Unit 5 Reading p.78-79 (same questions as above)
* Vocabulary sheet: docs, pub
* Board Race: slides, pub
* Board Race 2: slides, pub

1. 350 million years ago, where was all life limited to?

2. What were the first animals to develop wings?

3. One theory is that wings evolved from structures that first supported insects in what?

4.  The first wings allowed insects to jump and then do what?

5. Were pterosaurs dinosaurs?

6. What kind of bones did pterosaurs have?

7. How much was the weight of a Quetzalcoatlus?

8. What features did the first bird share with the reptiles?

9. Could the first bird fly very well?

10.  Later birds became more skilled fliers due to what?

11.  When did the fourth and last appearance of flight happen?

12.  What are the only mammals that have evolved to fly?

adaptation, allow, capability, evolve, flight, glide, hollow, limited, powered, skilled, support, weight

1. ________________________ the process or act of changing to suit a new situation

2. ________________________ the movement of flying or moving through the air

3. ________________________ to make it possible for someone to do something

4. ________________________ help someone or something to do something

5. ________________________ having a hole or empty space inside

6. ________________________ to fly by floating on air currents instead of using power from wings or an engine

7. ________________________ the ability or power to do something

8. ________________________ to develop from other forms of life over millions of years

9. ________________________ having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well

10. ________________________ kept within a particular size, range, time, etc.

11. ________________________ how heavy someone or something is

12. ________________________ having energy to produce movement













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