Friday, August 14, 2020

Hellboy: Movie Review (Scripted)

Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:

...add this to my list of videos in which the audio somehow got out of sync after I trimmed it in Youtube editor.  I can't seem to fix this at the moment.


  1. I've watched both movies multiple times. The first time I saw them I LOVED 'em! Ron Perlman, especially -- what a trooper. But with successive viewings I've become more ambivalent. I initially enjoyed them as a break from the MCU/DCU offerings -- finally, something almost "independent" breaks into the tentpole scene. But the movies don't subvert nearly as many comic book tropes as they pretend to -- and certainly not as profoundly as Mike Mignola has done on the bristol board.

    Which raises another impediment to my enjoyment. Mignola does all this as easily as he breathes. He's never had writer's block, nor artist's block. He stopped penciling decades ago and just commits ink to paper and sends it off to the printer's. I feel like Solieri watching Mozart compose, only I don't possess Solieri's abilities either.

    Anyway, you should definitely watch the second movie and catch up on a few of the comics if at all possible, because your theological musings are very much the tip of the iceberg that Mignola warps and woofs into view.

  2. Sorry for the confusion... sometimes when I film these old reviews, I find it easier to just do it as they were originally written. 2008 me had not seen Hellboy 2, but I did actually get around to seeing it in 2009

    I've since seen these movies numerous times on TV--usually stumbling upon them when they are already in progress, but enjoying the re-watches nonetheless.
    I think I share your feelings that they do diminish slightly with re-watches. That Golden Army that seemed so inventive at first watch just seems a bit stale on subsequent watches.

    Thanks for the link. You've got me curious about checking out the comics now. I don't currently have access to any of them. (I guess I could read them online, but I'm already trying to reduce my screentime as it is.) But usually once something is on my radar, I find I stumble across it eventually. I'll keep my eyes open.
