[These sentences were taken from the website Grammar-Revolution: Grammar Through Sentence Diagramming--specifically Chapter 3: Prepositional Phrases. I changed them into a scrambled sentence activity. I used this to supplement the complex noun phrases lesson in Expert IELTS 6, Language Development and Vocabulary p.112. However, as is made clear on the original site that I took these from, some of these prepositional phrases are actually used to modify verbs. I still did it as a noun phrase lesson, but I just did the prepositional phrases modifying verbs as a little extra bonus. The words from these sentences are put into boxes on the worksheet, and they are to be cut up and scrambled before class. In my class I photocopied each sentence on a different color paper. Therefore, I put 4 copies of each sentence onto each sheet of paper. That way I could get 4 copies of the same sentence on a sheet of pink pager, 4 copies of the same sentence on a sheet of blue paper, etc. (In my class, I divided my students up into four groups, so each group got a copy of the scrambled sentence.) If you want to arrange your groups differently, you can make a copy of the document, and adjust the formatting accordingly.]
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