Thursday, March 30, 2023

Using Beauty and the Beast to Teach Giving Advice in the Present and Past

(TESOL Worksheets--Giving Advice in the Present and Past)
Worksheet: docs, pub
[Directions: In my classes, my students were all very familiar with this movie already, so I was able to use that familiarity to set-up things very quickly.  I put on video 1, paused it a couple of times near the beginning to elicit the plot points from the students (i.e. the Beast has forbidden Belle to go into the West Wing.  Belle is going into the West Wing, so the Beast is going to be mad, etc.)  Then played the rest of video 1.
Before playing video 2, I gave the students the gist question orally: "Why is Belle upset?  Why is the Beast upset?"
Then after the gist, the students answer the detail questions.  Then a quick vocabulary matching activity.  Then students write in the missing words from the script, and listen to check their answers.  Then a sorting activity for past advice and present advice.  And then some Concept Checking Questions.]

1. What does Belle want the Beast to do?

2. Why did Belle run away?

3. Where does the Beast say Belle shouldn’t have been in?

4.  What does Belle say that the Beast should learn to control?

1. What does Belle want the Beast to do?

2. Why did Belle run away?

3. Where does the Beast say Belle shouldn’t have been in?

4.  What does Belle say that the Beast should learn to control?


to stand, stay, sit, etc without moving

hold still

used to tell someone to stop moving

run away

to leave a place because you are unhappy there


to make someone afraid


a person’s state of mind (angry or calm)

control your temper

don’t become angry

by the way

You say this when you are changing the subject

save my life

to stop someone from being killed


feel a sudden, burning pain

BELLE: Here now.  Don’t do that.  Just hold still.  

THE BEAST: ROOOOAARRRR! That hurts!                              

BELLE: If you’d (1)____________ still, it wouldn't (2)____________ as much.                                                     

THE BEAST: If you hadn't have (3)____________ , this wouldn’t have (4)____________ .                    

BELLE: If you hadn't (5)____________ me, I  wouldn't have (6)____________ .               

THE BEAST: Well you (7)____________ in the west wing.                                                

BELLE: Well you (8)____________ to control your temper.  Now hold still. This might sting a little.  By the way, thank you for saving my life.

THE BEAST: You’re welcome.

BELLE: Here now.  Don’t do that.  Just hold still.  

THE BEAST: ROOOOAARRRR! That hurts!                              

BELLE: If you’d hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much.                                                     

THE BEAST: If you hadn't have run away, this wouldn’t have happened.                    

BELLE: If you hadn't frightened me, I  wouldn't have run away.               

THE BEAST: Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing.                                                

BELLE: Well you should learn to control your temper.  Now hold still. This might sting a little.  By the way, thank you for saving my life.

THE BEAST: You’re welcome.

Suggestions about the present

Suggestions about the past

Suggestions about the present

Suggestions about the past

Don’t do that

If you hadn’t have run away, this wouldn’t have happened

If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much

If you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away

you should learn to control your temper

You shouldn’t have been in the west wing

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