Monday, June 20, 2022

The Heavenly Union: Poems ESL Listening

(TESOL Worksheets--Poems ESL Listening)

Transcript: docs, pub, slideshow: slides, pub
Video: HERE
[Notes: At the end of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass there is a parody of this poem (hymn?) which I thought I would record for my Poems ESL Listening project.  But I thought I would first record the original first so that it was clear what the parody is referencing.  I got the text for this hymn from this website here
There may be a typo on that website.  Line 3 of the second stanza reads "I grieved me so that I must die.", but that probably should say "It grieved" instead of "I grieved".  However, when recording the video, I went with "I grieved" because that was what my source said.  (At the time I was recording, I figured it must be antiquated English.  But upon further reflection, I'm now fairly sure it must be a typo.)]

The Heavenly Union: poems

Come, saints and sinners hear me tell
The wonders of Emmanuel,
Who saved me from a burning hell
And brought my soul with Him to dwell,
And gave me Heavenly Union.

When Jesus saw me from on high,
Beheld my soul in ruin lie,
It grieved me so that I must die.
I strove salvation for to buy,
But still I found no Union.

But when I hated all my sins,
My dear Redeemer took me in
And with His blood He washed me clean,
And, oh, what seasons I have seen
Since first I found this Union.

I praised the Lord both night and day,
I went from house to house to pray,
And if I met one on the way,
I always found something to say
About the Heavenly Union.

I wonder why all saints don't sing
And make the heavenly arches ring,
And spread the news from pole to pole
'Till every nation has been told
About the Heavenly Union.

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