Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Request Cards (For Eliciting Polite Ways to Say No)

(TESOL Worksheets--speaking)
Google: Drive, Docs, Pub

[These are conversation cards.  They are designed to supplement a lesson (from Lifestyles Elementary textbook in which students are taught how to say no to a request using indirect language.  They could also perhaps be adapted to a lesson in which the emphasis is on forming requests.  There are twelve cards in the set.  (Originally I was hoping to make 20, but I ran out of ideas and, as always, I was rushing to finish these cards before class.)
The students are given one card each, and walk around the classroom making requests.  The other students have to give indirect refusals.
Because this was an elementary class, I also designed a PowerPoint to supplement it (Drive, slides, Pub).  We went over all the requests ahead of time, so that there was no confusion about vocabulary.]

You are moving apartments next week.  You have a lot of heavy furniture, and you need to find someone to help you lift it.

You have just returned from vacation.  You have 2,000 photos from the holiday saved on your computer.  You want to show these photos to your friend and tell them all about your vacation.

You’re going to be going on vacation next week, and you need someone to watch your dog while you’re gone.
You’ve just written a long report for school.  Before you hand it in to your teacher, you want your friend to check it first and make sure there are no mistakes in it.

You don’t have enough money this week, and you won’t get paid until the end of the week.  Try to get your friend to loan you some money just until the end of the week.

You don’t have to go to work tomorrow, so it’s time to go out partying all night tonight.  Of course, it’s no fun to go out by yourself, so try to find someone to go with you.
You’ve just read the most amazing book ever.  You have to get everyone you know to read this book.  Tell them how wonderful it is, and insist that they read it.

You need a friend to drive you to the airport tonight.
You’ve got a lot of homework tonight, but you don’t want to do it.  Try to get one of your friends to do it for you.
You have started your own business selling baked goods.  Try to sell them to your friends.

You lost your phone somewhere in the building.  Get a friend to help you look for it.
You brought too much food for lunch today.  Try to give it away to somebody.

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