Sunday, May 31, 2015

Regular Past Simple Pronunciation Slap the Board Game.

(TESOL Worksheets)
[Embedded below, and on Google (drive, slides, pub), is a PowerPoint document for practicing regular past tense - pronunciation.  It was created to supplement a lesson from the English World 2 textbook, and all the vocabulary in this activity is taken from that lesson.  But since it can also stand on it's own, I'm posting it here.  (Even though some of the vocabulary English World has chosen to highlight is a bit obscure.)  
The first half of the PowerPoint is for presentation.  The second half is practice.  The PowerPoint Presentation is used with four cards that are printed out and posted around the room.  (Google drive, docs, pub).  The students are divided into two teams.   One person from each team comes to the front.  The teacher pronounces a regular past tense, and the students compete to slap the appropriate sound.  (Ideally with fly swatters if available, with their bare hands if not.)
This was for very young beginning students, so I've committed a couple sins here in order to simplify things.  I've written up the phonetic /Id/ sound as /ed/ (to keep it consistent with the spelling), and I've divided the /Id/ sound into /tId/ and /dId/.
Udate--although I've also done a version with adults, that follows more traditional phonemic spelling.  Powerpoint for this version here (drive, slides, pub), and flashcards here (drive, docs, pub).]



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