Friday, August 16, 2024

Off My Shelves
In anticipation of not being able to finish all my books before we have to move, I'm starting to give some of them away.  Today I gave away Consider Phlebas by Ian M. Banks (on my shelves since July 14, 2024) to a science fiction fan who will hopefully enjoy it more than I would have.  
So, I am now removing it from my "On My Shelves" sidebar.

I had, however, briefly researched Consider Phlebas  when it was in my hands (i.e. I had looked at the Wikipedia article), and it did look interesting.  I have never read Ian M. Banks before (although he had been recommended to me), but after reading up on him a little, I am now intrigued.  So maybe one day in the future I will track this book down again.  But for now, it's off my shelves.

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