Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Floating Eco-Tourism Village in Long An Province (Stealing from Facebook)

Another Facebook album link.  (This is part of the project I explained about in this post HERE.)  This one is a 2016 trip to the Floating Eco-Tourism Village in Long An Province

The primary appeal of this place was that it could be reached as a day trip from Ho Chi Minh City.  Usually we don't get out of Ho Chi Minh City unless we have a long vacation coming up, but this was a couple hours drive down, and a couple hours drive back.
...although, my primary memory of this trip was the agony of the drive down and back.  Because I don't drive a motorcycle, I sat on the back of my girlfriend's (now wife) motorcycle.  And I learned that being perched on the back of a motorbike is okay for short trips, but not long trips.  My butt was already pretty sore just from the trip down.  On the trip back, I started out with a sore butt, and it just got worse and worse.  I ended up having to ask the girlfriend to stop the motorbike several times just so I could stand up and walk around.  It took us forever to get back.
If I ever go again, I'm going to hire a taxi.

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