Saturday, July 31, 2021

Just tweeted this out a couple hours ago, and already it's my most liked tweet of all time.  Granted that's a low bar.  This one is 37 likes so far and counting, which is more love than I've ever gotten on Twitter since joining in 2014.
(Hey, we're in for a long lockdown here in Vietnam. I've got to post about something to take my mind off of my boredom, so I'm posting about this.)
Now, granted the reason this tweet was so visible was because it was a reply to a famous person's tweet.  (But then, that by itself is not enough to guarantee likes.  I've inserted myself into a famous people's Twitter threads a few times in the past, and not gotten much notice.)

Anyway, some background for the uninitiated:
Shaun is a popular Youtuber.  I've linked to his videos on this blog in the past HERE and HERE.
For my reviews of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, see HERE.  
For my review of the book in question specifically, Monstrous Regiment, see HERE.
For the controversy that started this whole Twitter thread, see this article: Sir Terry Pratchett’s daughter shuts down ‘horrifying’ claims that author would be a transphobe if he were alive

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