Sunday, May 23, 2021

Weekly Reading Vlog #9: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood p296-327, The Linguistics Wars p84-168,etc

(Weekly Reading Vlog)

Books (138 pages this week)
The Courts of Chaos  p.752-772 (finished) 2nd reading p.645-648 (23 pages)
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood  p.296-327 (31 pages) (finished)
The LinguisticsWars by Randy Allen Harris p.84-168 (84 pages)

Podcast:  (not mentioned in the video)
The History of Rome (3rd Listening): From 051- Actium To 060- No Better Slave, No Worse Master
Revolutions Podcast: 10.53- The Balkans

The New York Times article: Former Chomsky Disciples Hurl Harsh Words at the Master

The Google document: docs, pub

For more information about what this is and why I'm doing it, see HERE.

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