Friday, May 21, 2021

Mad Men: Some rambling thoughts (Television Addiction)

This is part of my "Television Addiction Series" which I explained about HERE.  The Television Addiction series is part of my so-called "Scripted Review Series", which I explained about HERE.  For the original 2013 post on which this is based, see: Television Addiction Part 2: Oh the TV Shows I’ve Seen!

Mad Men
            I had actually seen the first season of this when I was still in Japan (it was popular enough in Japan that you could rent them at Japanese DVD stores.)  I caught up on a few more of the seasons while in Cambodia, although once again I horrified my co-workers by watching the episodes out of order. 
            As a history geek, I appreciate the eye for period detail.  But like Breaking Bad I felt like this show just moved at too slow of a pace for me, and I just couldn’t stay interested in the long run.

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