Thursday, May 07, 2020

Regular Past Simple Verbs Pronunciation Lesson

(TESOL Worksheets--Past SimplePronunciation, DELTA Lessons)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Lesson Plan: drive, docs, pub
Slideshow: slides, pub
Pictures of verbs: drive, docs, pub
Regular Past Tense Pronunciation Story and Sorting game: drive, docs, pub
Taboo for regular past tense verbs (for reviewing in the subsequent lesson): drive, docs, pub
The same taboo game as above, but for the verbs in the present simple form: drive, docs, pub
This lesson is connected to the essay: Past Simple
[Notes: Part of this lesson comes from a previous activity--Pronunciation of regular past tense endings.  Also, I later reworked this lesson to use as a CELTA style demonstration lesson, and I have previously posted that reworked version.  However, even though I've delayed posting this lesson online, this lesson here is the original, and the lesson I posted back in December is the reworked version.]

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